By Temperature

Chilled Stores ( +2 to +8°C)
  • Chilled Stores (+2°C to +8°C)
  • Chilled Stores (+2°C to +8°C)
  • Chilled Stores (+2°C to +8°C)
  • Chilled Stores (+2°C to +8°C)


Chilled Stores (+2°C to +8°C)


+2°C to +8°C Dawsonpharma Chiller Store unit is ideal for ensuring vital product integrity of refrigerated products. 



check mark Easy to open doors

check mark Person trap alarm

check mark Door Heaters

check mark Multi-parameter temperature alarms

check mark Data logger for temperature checking 

check mark Fitted with sealed 2K2 monitoring

check mark Easy to clean internal walls

check mark Non-slip resin floor

check mark Emergency door release

check mark 300 lux lighting

check markDual autonomous refrigeration system providing full 100% back-up

check markConstructed using Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation materials

check markGuaranteed 30 min structure fire rating 

check markTimed door open/shut readings are also recorded

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